Harry’s bar is one of the most popular bar chains in Singapore. It has an iOS app “Appy Hour” that lets users spin the Harry’s “wheel of fortune” to win free drinks. The way it works is that a user would visit one of their strategically located bars and check in using the app. He would then spin the wheel, and if he is lucky, he would win a free drink. A time limit is imposed so that a user can spin the wheel only once in 24 hours while signed in a particular bar.
Now there may not be any such thing as a free lunch, but there are free drinks! Let’s see how.
The ‘luck factor’
The app communicates with www.exhost.se over HTTP. When started, the first thing the app does is to define the “luck factor” of the user, by downloading an XML file containing probabilities of various prizes. The probabilities are set in way such that 52% of the time a spin would yield ‘Better Luck Next Time’.
Time Restriction
Once the user has checked in the bar, the app checks if the user has already tried his luck in the past 24 hours in the same bar. It does so by sending a request with the iPhone’s UDID, a timestamp and the bar’s id. The response simply consists of true if the user is allowed to spin the wheel, or false otherwise.
Getting past everything
Well, the simplest way to get past everything would be to make the app communicate with another server instead of www.exhost.se. First we will crawl www.exhost.se to get all the required files. The link http://www.exhost.se/harrys_1_1_beta/ does not contain a default index.html or similar file, which makes crawling possible.
Once we have the crawled files, we can edit the venues.xml file to change the probabilities. We can even change the drinks! ;-) Also, the file fetchdata.php should contain true for us to spin any number of times. Now these files can be hosted on a different server and these URLs can be changed in the app mach-o binary. Changing only the above two URLs is sufficient to make it work without any restrictions. The strings utility comes handy when trying to find out the location of these strings in the binary. These strings can now be edited using a hex editor.
Once edited, we can run the app any number of times while signed in the same bar, and win a drink on every spin!